
Prof. Rob Law presents on the key elements to increase the number of citations of research

From May 16 to 17, Prof. Rob Law, Scholar of the University of Macau (UM) and Deputy Director of APAEM, was invited to deliver lectures at the School of Management of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT). He shared the key elements to increase the number of citations of research and the common issues in writing academic papers.

The lectures were divided into two themes: “Academic Impact: What Makes an Article Citable?” and “Publishing in Top Research Journals and Mistakes in Academic Writing”. In the lecture, Prof. Rob Law presented his empirical research findings on the relationship between quantifiable characteristics in publications (such as length, authorship, and collaboration) and citation per year, and the results revealed a negative relationship between the length of a title and citation per year. In addition, Prof. Rob Law also shared common mistakes in academic writing. He believes that communication deficiencies are more common than technical problems. The two-day seminar attracted lots of students and faculty members from the School of Management at HIT.