
Prof. Rob Law delivers lectures focused on the topic: How to improve scientific research publication in English and subject scientific research rankings

Group photo at the Beijing International Studies University (BISU)

Prof. Law delivers a speech at the Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU)

From June 11 to 16, Prof. Rob Law, Scholar of the University of Macau (UM) and Deputy Director of APAEM, was invited to several universities in Beijing for academic exchanges. During his visit, he shared his research and experience in the areas of academic impact, subject research rankings, and academic article publication.

Prof. Law’s academic tour began with lectures at the Beijing International Studies University (BISU). The lectures, co-hosted by the Scientific Research Office, International Exchange and Cooperation Office, and School of Tourism Sciences of BISU, focused on the topic: How to improve scientific research publication in English and subject scientific research rankings. Among the lectures, Prof. Law led in-depth discussions on “University Ranking and Research Performance: What Should Be Evaluated?” and “Publishing in Top Research Journals and Mistakes in Academic Writing,” respectively. Prof. Lina Zhong, the Executive Dean of the China Institute for Big Data Research in Culture and Tourism, Prof. Ai-ping Ma of the School of Tourism Sciences at BISU, and other faculty members and students attended events. In his speech, Prof. Law provided valuable suggestions on improving high-level international academic publications and enhancing the influence of the tourism academic community, leading to an engaging and enriching discussion.

On June 13, Prof. Law was invited to the Business School at the Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU) to deliver a speech on the topic “Academic Impact: What Makes an Article Citable?” The lecture was hosted by Prof. Nao Li, the Director of the International Exchange Center of the Business School at BTBU. During the session, Prof. Law shared his insights for teachers and students on how to improve the quality and impact of research publications by understanding the characteristics of highly cited articles. Afterwards, Prof. Law visited the School of Economics and Management (SEM) at Beihang University, where he delivered a presentation titled “University Ranking and Research Performance: Are we doing it right?” This was part of the ongoing seminar series at SEM. Prof. Law offered constructive insights on how universities can enhance their scientific research capabilities. The faculty members and students of SEM expressed that they found the insights provided by Prof. Law to be highly inspiring and invaluable.

Prof. Law shares his insights on how to improve the quality and impact of research publications

Prof. Law delivers a presentation on how universities can enhance their scientific research capabilities at Beihang University

Prof. Jinxing Hao and Prof. Rob Law