
Prof. Sili Zhou

Prof. Sili Zhou (first from left) delivers a speech at the Annual Conference of the Banco Central do Brasil

Annual Conference of the Banco Central do Brasil

From May 15 to 17, Prof. Sili Zhou, Scholar of APAEM and Associate Professor of the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) at the University of Macau (UM), delivered a speech at the Annual Conference of the Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) in Brazil.

On May 15, Prof. Sili Zhou delivered a speech entitled “Production Leakage: Evidence from Uncoordinated Environmental Policies,” discussing the critical role that international trade plays in fulfilling the growth, welfare, and emission reduction goals of environmental policies. In addition, Prof. Sili Zhou also served as the discussant for the presentation “Weather Anomalies and Revealed Comparative Advantage in Emerging Economies” by Dr. Jair Ojeda-Joya.

The BCB regularly organizes academic events to foster discussion related to its main areas of interest, hosting both policy- and research-oriented events. The Annual Conference seeks to stimulate debate and research in the areas of macroeconomics, sustainability, financial stability, banking, financial intermediation and innovation, macroprudential regulation, international economics, and finance. The event involves the participation of academics, experts from the private sector, and representatives of central banks and multilateral institutions.