
In support of interdisciplinary research, APAEM’s role is to serve as a platform for:

  • academics to meet with practitioners;
  • technology to be applied to real-life management and economic issues;
  • researchers from different faculties and disciplines to interact with one another.


The Asia-Pacific Academy of Economics and Management (APAEM) of the University of Macau aims to promote interdisciplinary research that is significant and relevant to the socio-economic development of Macao and the Greater Bay Area.

Specifically, APAEM’s research focus will be concentrated in four major areas:

  • Financial Econometrics – APAEM aims to conduct high-quality research in quantitative finance and economics, fostering academic visibility and collaboration in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) and beyond. APAEM will develop cutting-edge quantitative tools to aide policy making in advancing the financial sector and the whole economy of Macao;
  • Financial Innovation – Innovation defines the future of financial products, services and processes using new technology. Through interdisciplinary research activities, APAEM will assist the development of Macao into a financial centre supporting trade between mainland China and Portuguese-speaking countries, the integration of the GBA as well as resolving the legal and security issues involved;
  • Macao Economy – APAEM will pursue academic research on the economics of Macao and related economies, such as China and Portuguese-speaking countries, and fulfill the role of a policy think-tank to provide advice on economic policies that affect the Macao economy;
  • Smart Tourism – APAEM will support the advancement of Macao as a world centre of tourism and leisure through interdisciplinary research and innovative efforts, including the integrated use of information, technology, and other resources to enhance the overall tourism experience.