
Recently, Prof. Rob Law, Deputy Director of APAEM, was interviewed by Southern Finance Omnimedia to share his perspectives on Macao’s smart tourism development.

In the interview, Prof. Law firstly introduced the benefits of smart tourism and the differences between smart tourism and traditional tourism. To raise public’s awareness of smart tourism, Prof. Law suggested that Macao government could consider providing free WIFI that covers the whole city for tourists and citizens to freely access information. Moreover, Prof. Law emphasized the role of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) in promoting a tourism destination to mass audience. Smart tourism also plays an important role in facilitating the collaboration of Macao and Hengqin. Prof. Law proposed that Macao and Hengqin could build the data-sharing platform to share useful information on tourist arrival and preference. This information sharing approach is beneficial for tourism businesses to develop and provide personalized tourism products which enhance tourists’ travel experience.

Click Here for Prof. Law’s full interview.