
香港科技大學商學院康信商業案例研究中心中心經理Jeroen van den Berg 先生受邀到澳大講授案例寫作的技巧。


Jeroen has been developing Asian business case studies for over a decade. From 2005 to 2011, he worked at the University of Hong Kong as a case writer and case center manager. In September 2011, he joined The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as center manager of the Thompson Center for Business Case Studies.

Jeroen has written numerous cases in strategy, finance and law. As case center manager, he has worked on more than 200 case studies. He regularly teaches case writing workshops and has written a book on case studies for the Chinese market titled: “Business Studies: The Case Studies Approach”, Fudan University Press (2011).

Jeroen has a BSc and MSc degree in Business Economics from The University of Amsterdam and a LLM in Corporate and Financial Law from The University of Hong Kong.

